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2022-09-03 15:27新闻

简介 元宵节的诗句英文诗歌一:《青玉案·元夕》·辛弃疾 The Lantern Festival Night - to the tune of Green Jade Table by Xin Qiji One night's east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers And blows down stars in showers. Fine...


  The Lantern Festival Night - to the tune of Green Jade Table by Xin Qiji

  One night's east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers

  And blows down stars in showers.

  Fine steeds and carved cabs spread fragrance en route;

  Music vibrates from the flute;

  The moon sheds its full light

  While fish and dragon lanterns dance all night.

  In gold-thread dress, with moth or willow ornaments,

  Giggling, she melts into the throng with trails of scents

  But in the crowd once and again

  I look for her in vain.

  When all at once I turn my head,

  I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.


  宝马雕车香满路,凤萧声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞 。


  众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首, 那人却在,灯火阑珊处。

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