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2022-09-05 01:18新闻

简介 Distinguished visitors, everybody is good. I am the guide from xi 'an travel, my name is guo, you can call me guo. Today we are going to visit is listed as "world heritage list" of qin shihuang terracotta warriors, qin shihuang terracotta w...

Distinguished visitors, everybody is good. I am the guide from xi 'an travel, my name is guo, you can call me guo. Today we are going to visit is listed as "world heritage list" of qin shihuang terracotta warriors, qin shihuang terracotta warriors is 13 years old when he began to reign, qin shi huang started to build a great project. Until 1974 in xi 'an lintong was discovered and excavated, it with its magnificent, rare reputation both at home and abroad, has been hailed as one of "the eight wonders of the world".

First of all, we came to a pit, the pit is the largest of three pits a pit, the pit depth of 5 meters, covers an area of about 14260 square meters, how, enough! Not only big and warrior figures is the no. 1 pit, pit is about more than 600 TaoRen, TaoMa, their orderly arranged in annular square, the eastern end of the pit, the warriors have three columns rank them with bows, crossbows, hand weapons, such as long shots like, like for striker troops. Followed by more than 600 armor of the main body of troops, and amraphel, holding spear gun isometric weapon, with 35 by a team of four horses chariots have eleven holes arranged in 38 columns and 30 eight-way columns. The warriors in pit no. 1 unearthed in total more than 500 pieces, horse 24 driving six chariots.

The warrior figures in the no. 1 pit of different, image lifelike, lifelike. You see//p3.douyinpic.com/large/1e06f00025bcdeddaa2a3" height="313" width="500" />

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