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my family英语手抄报(英语春节手抄报写什么)

2022-09-07 08:07新闻

简介 Chinese New Year Foods are very important to Chinese people. All family members come together to eat at Spring Festival. Chinese New Year foods are not only delicious, but also steeped in tradition. Chinese dumplings, fish, and spring rolls...

Chinese New Year Foods are very important to Chinese people. All family members come together to eat at Spring Festival. Chinese New Year foods are not only delicious, but also steeped in tradition. Chinese dumplings, fish, and spring rolls are usually eaten at Chinese New Year.  年夜饭对中国人来说非常重要。当天所有的家庭成员围坐在一起享受这一过程。年夜饭不仅仅是美味,也很有中国传统的意味。饺子,鱼和春卷总是必不可少的。

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