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2022-09-09 21:04新闻

简介 Part I (Para.1) An army officer was waiting for a young lady who he had never seen before but filled a special place in his heart.Part II (Paras.2~4) It is her letter that nourished him and gave him courage. And they have affection for each...

Part I (Para.1) An army officer was waiting for a young lady who he had never seen before but filled a special place in his heart. Part II (Paras.2~4) It is her letter that nourished him and gave him courage. And they have affection for each other through correspondence. Part III (Paras.5 ~14) The army officer managed to sustain her test of true love and they found their true love finally.

Tags:大学英语 / 第四 / 新视野 / 第三 / 阅读理解 / 读写 / 

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