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2022-09-10 04:56新闻

简介 staple可以作名词和动词。但作名词时该词是可数名词。 (1)a small piece of thin wire that is pushed into sheets of paper and bent over to hold them together订书钉 (2)a small U-shaped piece of metal with pointed...


(1)a small piece of thin wire that is pushed into sheets of paper and bent over to hold them together订书钉

(2)a small U-shaped piece of metal with pointed ends, used to hold something in place U型钉

(3)a food that is needed and used all the time基本食物,主食

例如:staples like flour and rice


(4)the main product that is produced in a country一国的主要产品

例如:Bananas and sugar are the stables of Jamaica.


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