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2022-09-11 03:08新闻

简介 Shadow play was first born in the Western Han Dynasty two thousand years ago, also known as sheepskin play, commonly known as human head play, shadow play. It originated in Shaanxi, China, matured in Qin Jinyu in the Tang and Song Dynasties...

Shadow play was first born in the Western Han Dynasty two thousand years ago, also known as sheepskin play, commonly known as human head play, shadow play. It originated in Shaanxi, China, matured in Qin Jinyu in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and flourished in Hebei in the Qing Dynasty. As the name implies, shadow puppets are made of leather. For the sake of firmness and transparency, cowhide and donkey skin are better.

The shadow play originated in Shaanxi in the Western Han Dynasty in my country. It has a history of more than 1,000 years. It is the world's earliest active movie art by human voices. Some people think that the shadow play is the modern "ancestor of the film".

Shadow play is a folk drama in which the silhouettes of people made of animal skin or cardboard are used to perform stories. During the performance, the artists were behind the white curtains, while manipulating the filmmakers, while telling stories with popular local tunes.

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