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2022-09-14 05:45新闻
简介 are的中文意思是(用于第二人称单复数现在时,第一、三人称复数现在时)是。;词汇分析;音标:英 [ɑr] ;拓展资料;1、Many of those most affected are elderly. ;受影响最大的人中很多都是...
are的中文意思是(用于第二人称单复数现在时,第一、三人称复数现在时)是。;词汇分析;音标:英 [ɑr] ;拓展资料;1、Many of those most affected are elderly. ;受影响最大的人中很多都是上了年纪的。;
2、Strict safety tests are carried out on food additives. ;对食品添加剂进行了严格的安全检测。;
3、We are all conditioned by early impressions and experiences;我们都受到早年印象和经历的影响。;
4、Mildred and I are very compatible. She's interested in the things that interest me ;我和米尔德丽德很合得来,我感兴趣的东西她也感兴趣。;
5、We are cousins. ;我们是表亲。