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2022-09-14 13:05新闻

简介 Dear XXX,(道歉并感谢) Thank you for inviting me to your house for a dinner. I'm really appricate for that and would like to go. But I have a date on that day. So I'm sorry that I can join you. Thanks again for your hospitable inviting....

Dear XXX,(道歉并感谢) Thank you for inviting me to your house for a dinner. I'm really appricate for that and would like to go. But I have a date on that day. So I'm sorry that I can join you. Thanks again for your hospitable inviting. Best regards! Yours Sincerely, XXXXX Dear XXXX,(感谢信——表示可以参加) I have received your invitation letter. Thank you for inviting me to have the dinner in your house. I'm glad that you have still thought of me for a long time. And don't worry and I'll go there in time. Thanks so much again. Best wishes. Yours Sincerely XXXXX

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