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2022-09-15 07:11新闻

简介 “客亦知夫水与月乎?逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也。盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也,而又何羡乎!” 这段...

“客亦知夫水与月乎?逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也。盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也,而又何羡乎!” 这段话是《前赤壁赋》全文的点睛之笔,斗胆翻译了一下,但愿不至于太对不起苏子的境界和文采,见笑了:

Have you, my guests, also realized the nature of the water and that of the moon? Things that flow away are like the water right here, which has never ever run out; things that wax and wane are like the moon over there, which eventually is not decreased or increased. If you observe things by focusing on their changing aspect, then not even the Heaven or the Earth can stay unchanged for an instant; if you observe things by focusing on their unchanging aspect, then neither the external world nor the internal world ever goes out of existence, and what is there to envy?

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