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my hero英语作文(我故乡的英雄英語作文)

2022-09-15 07:23新闻

简介 Everybody‘s heart has a hero live in.The hero in my heart is my father.He didn't has a lot of vigorous deeds,but he influence me at every detail.He can always save me in difficult and show me a new way again.He can give me an enough sense...

Everybody‘s heart has a hero live in.The hero in my heart is my father.He didn't has a lot of vigorous deeds,but he influence me at every detail.He can always save me in difficult and show me a new way again.He can give me an enough sense of security which can keep danger away from me.He say less but do more,he loves me and expected nothing in return.I hope I can become a person like him,holding fast to the belief in the complex environment and never say no.

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