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2022-09-16 09:21新闻

简介 My family day is very busy. In the morning, mother always wakes up at 6 wash clothes, sweep the floor and clean the bedroom. I usually get up at 740a.m, father takes me and mother to school. Sometimes his driver takes us to school. In schoo...

My family day is very busy.

In the morning, mother always wakes up at 6 wash clothes, sweep the floor and clean the bedroom. I usually get up at 740a.m, father takes me and mother to school. Sometimes his driver takes us to school.

In school, mother teach Chinese class for her students. I have Chinese class, math class, English class and science class. After school, I go swimming, I’m very happy.

At 6:00, we arrive home. I eat so much junk food. Father usually eats dinner with his friends, hardly ever he eats dinner in the home.

At night, I do my homework, then go to bed. My mother usually reads books, sometimes she watches TV.

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