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2022-09-17 08:52新闻

简介 格列佛游记》梗概: Volume 1: The depiction of the Little Man is the epitome of the British Empire at that time. At that time, the persistent struggle between the Tories and Whigs in Britain and the foreign war were essentially. jus...


Volume 1: The depiction of the Little Man is the epitome of the British Empire at that time.

At that time, the persistent struggle between the Tories and Whigs in Britain and the foreign war were essentially.

just the fights between politicians in some irrelevant sections of the national economy and the people's livelihood.


Volume II:through the King of the Great Britain's sharp criticism of the electoral system, parliamentary system and various church and political measures that Gulliver was proud of.

expressed doubts and denials about the various systems and church and political measures in Britain at that time.


In Volume 3, the author points the irony to the English philosophers of the time, the scientists who are divorced from reality and indulged in fantasy.

the inventors who are absurd and the critics and historians who turn black and white upside down.


In Volume Four:the author uses Gulliver to answer a series of questions and exposes the essence of war, the hypocrisy of law and the shameful act of acquiring Duke status by any means.


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