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2022-09-20 01:24新闻

简介 《新月集》经典诗歌欣赏:时候与原因 WHEN I bring you coloured toys, my child, I understand why there is such a play of colours on clouds, on water, and why flowers are painted in tints--when I give coloured toys to you, my c...


  WHEN I bring you coloured toys, my child, I understand why there is such a play of colours on clouds, on water, and why flowers are painted in tints--when I give coloured toys to you, my child.

  当我给你五颜六色的玩具的时候,我的孩子,我明白了为什么云上水上是这样的色彩缤纷,为什么花朵上染上绚烂的颜色的原因了 -- 当我给你五颜六色的玩具的时候,我的孩子。

  When I sing to make you dance, I truly know why there is music in leaves, and why waves send their chorus of voices to the heart of the listening earth--when I sing to make you dance.

  当我唱着使你跳舞的时候,我真的知道了为什么树叶儿响着音乐,为什么波浪把它们的合唱送进静听着的大地的心头 -- 当我唱着使你跳舞的时候。

  When I bring sweet things to your greedy hands, I know why there is honey in the cup of the flower, and why fruits are secretly filled with sweet juice--when I bring sweet things to your greedy hands.

  当我把糖果送到你的贪婪的双手上的时候,我知道了为什么在花萼里会有蜜,为什么水果里会秘密的充溢了甜汁 -- 当我把糖果送到你的贪婪的双手上的时候。

  When I kiss your face to make you smile, my darling, I surely understand what pleasure streams from the sky in morning light, and what delight the summer breeze brings to my body--when I kiss you to make you smile.



  "WHERE have I come from, where did you pick me up?" the baby asked its mother.


  She answered half crying, half laughing, and clasping the baby to her breast,-- "You were hidden in my heart as its desire, my darling.


  You were in the dolls of my childhood's games; and when with clay I made the image of my god every morning, I made and unmade you then.


  You were enshrined with our household deity, in his worship I worshipped you.


  In all my hopes and my loves, in my life, in the life of my mother you have lived.


  In the lap of the deathless Spirit who rules our home you have been nursed for ages.


  When in girlhood my heart was opening its petals, you hovered as a fragrance about it.


  Your tender softness bloomed in my youthful limbs, like a glow in the sky before the sunrise.


  Heaven's first darling, twinborn with the morning light, you have floated down the stream of the world's life, and at last you have stranded on my heart.


  As I gaze on your face, mystery overwhelms me; you who belong to all have become mine.


  For fear of losing you I hold you tight to my breast. What magic has snared the world's treasure in these slender arms of mine?"


Tags:经典 / 诗歌 / 十首 / 出名 / 泰戈尔 / 新月 / 

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