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2022-09-03 12:37新闻

简介 There is no height that can not be reached by human beings. However, if you want to achieve your goal, you must do it with determination and self-confidence.任何高处,未有人间所不能达者。然而欲达目的,则不可不以决心...

There is no height that can not be reached by human beings. However, if you want to achieve your goal, you must do it with determination and self-confidence.任何高处,未有人间所不能达者。然而欲达目的,则不可不以决心和自信为之。

Everything can be done, optimistic face, the world is not perfect, but we can still change.诸事可为,乐观面对,世界虽不完美,但我们仍可改变。

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