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2022-09-07 14:28新闻

简介 Life is exercise, so everyone will have a like sports, while I was no exception. My favorite sport is basketball. Basketball is a very high popularity of the sport, in the street, the school can be seen everywhere. Now the street three on t...

Life is exercise, so everyone will have a like sports, while I was no exception. My favorite sport is basketball. Basketball is a very high popularity of the sport, in the street, the school can be seen everywhere. Now the street three on three basketball game has become the most popular method in basketball. But basketball is exciting, interesting, training team spirit, it is for the three, and basketball just became the my favorite sport.

I began to learn, my arm stiffly, dribbling luck is bad, always distractions. But afterwards, I'm more and more skilled, also more and more like, every time playing basketball, I can always take a few points, and I'm more and more has the team spirit,and Physical more and more good, a year rarely get sick, and brought me many happy.

We are need to exercise, it can strengthen physique, to happiness and good. So I want to health, happiness, lack no sports

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